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Tamworth Musical Society in Tamworth, New South Wales

About The Studio Tamworth Musical Society

Tamworth Musical Society is a not for profit organisation that produces two or three amateur musicals per year for the benefit of the community and our members.

  • Our community is provided local access to quality amateur theatrical productions showcasing international and smaller local musical productions at affordable prices.
  • Our members have the ability to learn valuable theatre skills both on and off stage including stagecraft, vocal techniques, technical skills and production skills relating to all aspects of putting on a production.
  • All society income is used to operate the society and fund the productions.
  • NO roles performed by TMS members are paid. All actors, orchestral performers and committee are performed by volunteers.

All Tamworth Musical Society members must adhere to our code of conduct.

Become a member of the Tamworth Musical Society:

Upcoming Shows From Tamworth Musical Society

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