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Toowoomba Choral Society Inc in Toowoomba, Queensland

About The Studio Toowoomba Choral Society Inc

Over 65 years of musical productions by the Toowoomba Choral Society!

The Toowoomba Choral Society began presenting quality musicals in 1955 with The Vagabond King and still continues this long-running tradition today.

The TCS Production committee is responsible for the staging of the annual musical which has only grown in popularity with a new generation of young talent now stepping into the limelight. The annual musical runs in early September at the Empire Theatre in Neil Street, Toowoomba, with four shows providing plenty of opportunity to gather friends and family for a great night out. 

In 2022, the Toowoomba Choral Society will present two major productions: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, as part of the Youth Choir Holiday Program in July, and our major production School of Rock in September. 

Upcoming Shows From Toowoomba Choral Society Inc

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