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Cinderella - The Musical Pantomime by Star Rae Productions
in Launceston, Tasmania

What To Know About This Production

STAR RAE PRODUCTIONS is proud to present CINDERELLA - The Musical Pantomime. A story of love and magic inspired by the 1697 classic fairytale "Cendrillon ou la petite pantoufle de verre" (Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper) by French author, Charles Perrault.

This original Australian pantomime will be making its Tasmanian premiere at the Earl Arts Centre, Launceston, in January 2023.

Performance Dates

  • Jan 20 Friday 7:30 PM
  • Jan 21 Saturday 11:00 AM
  • Jan 21 Saturday 5:00 PM
  • Jan 22 Sunday 11:00 AM
  • Jan 22 Sunday 3:00 PM

Auditions For Cinderella - The Musical Pantomime

Audition details are not yet posted. Check back later or reach out to Star Rae Productions directly with any questions.

Cast List For Cinderella - The Musical Pantomime

Available Roles

  • Cinderella - The sweet heroine of the story. A young girl full of kindness with a sweet temperment. The daughter of the wealthy Baron Putupon. SONGS: Two duets & ensemble numbers
  • Buttons - A serving gentlemen and Cinderella's best friend. He is a dreamer and is secretly in love with Cinderella. SONGS: A solo, a duet & ensemble numbers
  • Baron Putupon - A wealthy widower and father of Cinderella. He is a bit down on his luck and has been out of the 'wealthy circle' for a while. SONGS: Ensemble numbers
  • Baroness de la Foie - The Baron's new wife and Cinderella's Step-mother. She is the reason the Baron is down on his luck, and not in the 'in' crowd anymore. SONGS: A solo & ensemble numbers
  • Halitosis - One of Cinderella's ugly step-sisters. The older of the two and has a love/hate relationship with her younger sister. SONGS: A duet & ensemble numbers. (Traditionally played by male actor)
  • Alopecia - The other ugly step-sister. She often tries to make a joke of things but isn't always funny. SONGS: A duet & ensemble numbers. (Traditionally played by male actor).
  • Prince Charming - The young royal Prince who is looking for love but hasn't found the right girl yet. His track record with dating Princesses has left him feeling like he is jinxed and never going to find the right girl. SONGS: A duet & ensemble numbers.
  • King Charming - Prince Kevin's father and the ruler of the Kingdom. He is worried his son will never marry. SONGS: A solo & ensemble numbers
  • Queen Charming - The wife of the King and mother to the Prince. Still dealing with the loss of a child from many years ago. (Will double as a villager in Act 1). SONGS: Ensemble numbers
  • Fairy Godmother - A magical fairy that works for the Royal Court. She is determined that Cinderella is going to get to that ball. (Will double as a villager in Act 1). SONGS: A solo & ensemble numbers
  • Royal Page - Servant to the Royal Court and the King. Takes his role very seriously. SONGS: Ensemble numbers
  • Royal Guard - Servant to the Royal Court and protector of the King. SONGS: Ensemble numbers
  • Villagers - (2 x Non-speaking roles available) The Villagers live in the Kingdom and are an important ensemble role for scenes in the Village and in the Royal Court. SONGS: Ensemble numbers


The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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