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A Day in the Park - A night of One Act Plays by Star Rae Productions
in Launceston, Tasmania

What To Know About This Production

Four one-act plays all set around a park bench, with each one-act play allowing us to get a glimpse into the different challenges that life presents these characters. Whether its trying to enjoy the peace and quiet whilst eating lunch, or maybe spying on a loved one; or something as simple as just wanting to feed the ducks; we know sometimes life has other plans.

Playing for one night only at the Earl Arts Theatre, Launceston.

Presented by Star Rae Productions and featuring some of Launceston's new and emerging talent.

Performance Dates

  • Oct 2 Sunday 6:00 PM

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Auditions For A Day in the Park - A night of One Act Plays

Audition details are not yet posted. Check back later or reach out to Star Rae Productions directly with any questions.

Cast List For A Day in the Park - A night of One Act Plays

The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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